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电话: 86-592-6011471
传真: 86-592-5615697
姓名: Jeling Ding
Hangmao Stone Marble Granite Co., Ltd.

   China Hangmao Stone supplier mostly takes focus on the research,development and manufacturing of natural stone like marble,granite,travertine,pebble,basalt,sandstone,limestone,and natural stone products including basin,water jet tiles,mosaics,paving stone,headstone,stone statue,fireplace,quartz stone,countertops related to wall,floor,landscaping,garden,home decoration. China Hangmao Stone supplier strictly controls every production step, guaranteeing the stones supplied from Hangmao Stone s

主要产品/业务: Granite,Marble,Quartz,Sandstone,Cobble,Paving Stone,Pebble Stone,Travertine,Basalt,Countertop,Engineered Stone,Limestone,Mosaic,Basin,Fireplace,Headston e,Sculpture

Hangmao Stone Marble Granite Co., Ltd. / 福建 / Unit C,15th Floor, Building B, Jinlong Mansion, NO.252, Dongdu R (361013) / 电话:86-592-6011471

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